Online journal of psychosocial and behavioral medicine, psychotherapy, health promotion and psychosocial intervention
PSYCHOMED is an on-line scientific journal (ISSN: 1828–1516, AUTHORIZATION OF THE COURT OF ROME N.243 DATED 12.6.2008) with a cognitive-behavioral approach at the interface between medicine and behavioral sciences.
It therefore collects contributions in the fields of psychosocial and behavioral medicine, psychotherapy, health promotion and psychosocial intervention.
The journal is supported by various Associations operating in the indicated fields: the Italian Society of Psychosocial Medicine (SIMPS), the Center for Research in Psychotherapy (CRP), the Italian Association of Preventive Psychology (AIPRE) and the Association for the Study and Psycho-Socio-Educational Teaching (ASIPSE).
Its main purpose is to provide an easy tool for scientific updating, a space for debate for those who study or work in the sector, and a learning ground for colleagues in training, engaged in clinical and experimental research.
The title complies with the guidelines developed to ensure world-class scientific publications, public’s faith in scientific research, and proper credit for authors’ original ideas and work.
The works proposed for publication are subjected to a peer review based on the initial selection of the publisher and then sent to two reviewers who are expert in the field who will indicate, if accepted, any changes to be made.
The editors also undertake, in the event that a published work contains a significant error or inaccuracy, to ask the Authors to promptly correct or withdraw the article or to provide evidence to the editors of the journal on the correctness of the article. Psychomed began its publications in 2006 and has continued regularly every year: the three annual issues planned can be merged, depending on the articles received, in order to have thematic monographic issues.